Saturday, March 31, 2012

The vine is developing! - Psa 80:8-9

The vine is developing!

Psalm 80:8-9 "You brought a vine out of Egypt; you drove out the nations and planted it. You cleared the ground for it, and it took root and filled the land".

This verse speaks about the nation of Israel, which God brought out of Egypt, weak and powerless, and which God then planted in a place of blessing where it would expand and grow into the greatest nation of its time, under King Solomon.

Each of us was called by God, not because of any goodness of ourselves, but solely through the Lord's graciousness. He drew us out of slavery to sin, and set us in his church, in an environment where we could grow and develop and become all that God intends for us to be! The verse says that God cleared the ground for the vine, and that it then filled the land. The application for us is that God calls us into a relationship with him, at precisely the optimum time for us to respond to him. We have been prepared, for the things that God will do in our life.

The same principle applies to Grace Fellowship. God has been preparing the ground to plant his vine, our church. He has been nurturing us, and developing us, even during the winter months. But now the time has come for shoots to spring forth and the vine to start sending out its tendrils to have the impact God intended. We are a city that has been set on a hill, which will be noticed. God's intention for us is that we love Susanville and share the love he has given us, by allowing it to flow through us and impact others.

God loves you, and even though there may have been hard times, spring is around the corner!

Lord, thank you that your plan for us is way bigger than we can comprehend! You have prepared us for this moment in time, and you promise that like that vine, we too will grow and fill the land. May it be so, Jesus. Amen".

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