Tuesday, April 10, 2012



Recently Grace Fellowship had a stall at the Uptown Craft Fair. We had a fair representation of church members who had volunteered to man the tables.

What struck me was the sense of teamwork, as we all pitched in to serve our community and each other. Life is often such that we don't really support each other in the way we should - it was refreshing to see how well our people worked together. Thank you all for your efforts to make this event a success!

If we can work together in harmony at this level, surely we can learn to walk together in unity. Jesus said that we would be known by our attitudes toward each other. In his prayer in John 17, Jesus asks that the disciples and those who believed in Jesus through their message, would be totally unified, just as Jesus and the Father are one.

Do we live up to this expectation? I pray that we would be growing towards this ideal. The Holy Spirit dwells in all of us, and He is the same in each of us. So it should be possible to live in unity (Psa 133).
Actually, living in unity is a choice we make. We can choose to work together as a unified team, and not allow the little things of life to affect our attitudes toward each other. Alternatively, we can choose to allow these things to offend us, and cause divisions and splits in relationships. It is up to us!
I do wonder how God feels about the sensitivities between denominations and churches. I am sure it grieves him when we set ourselves up as being the "guardians of the truth", because we feel we have a better understanding than other parts of the body. He would rather that we esteem others better than ourselves (Phil 2:3).

It is as we live this life of love for each other, that people around us will notice and see the difference. They will want some of what we have (John 13:34-35)!

I pray that we all will learn to live this life of love and unity, so that we, our families, our acquaintances and our community will receive the blessings God gives to people of peace.

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