Monday, May 14, 2012

The Power of Blessing!

"When Israel saw the sons of Joseph, he asked, 'Who are these?'' 'They are the sons God has given me here,' Joseph said to his father. Then Israel said, "Bring them to me so I may bless them.'" - Genesis 48:8-9

This incident has a huge impact! As a result of Israel (Joseph's father previously known as Jacob) blessing Joseph's children, and later the rest of Joseph's brothers, blessings were given that were passed on to their descendents. Starting with this one seemigly insignificant event in Jacob's tent, something was set in motion that benefitted countless generations down through the centuries.

There is power in blessing. The words that we speak have impact. Our words either build up or tear down. James tells us about the power of the tongue. It either benefits someone or ourselves, or it curses them and destroys their future.

So we have the power to speak blessing into the lives of our children just as Jacob did with his grandkids. As a matter of fact, we have power to speak blessing into the lives of everyone we meet or touch. That person at work, the person we see hurting in the grocery department, our wife, husband, children and extended family. Our words can make them or break them!

What an awesome privilege and responsibility!

Have a day full of words of life!

Pastor Gerry

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