Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I am making everything new!

I am making everything new!

“He who was seated opn the throne said, 'I am making everything new!' Then he said, 'Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true'" - Revelation 21:5

These words are written at the end of the Bible, speaking of the culmination of God's incredible plan and involvement with human kind! Jesus will have reigned for a thousand years, and now the earth and the heavens are refashioned, prepatory for an eternity with God reigning over the universe with earth as the seat of his government! Those who have accepted his rule in their lives will be a part of this fantastic future (Rev 20:4-6, 3:21), those who have rejected him will now be out of the picture. God's creation will now be pure and sinless the way he intended.

But those of us who have accepted Jesus in this life, have already welcomed his rule! We have surrendered our lives to him and asked him to be our Lord and King!

When we accept Jesus, and we surrender our crown to him, he starts this divine renovation process in ourselves, today! He has already started making all things new, in our lives!

Paul tells us, "if anyone is in Christ (John 14:20), he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come" (2 Cor 5:17). Jesus is today working in our lives, throwing out the old and bringing in the new, getting rid of old ways of thinking, growing in having the mind of Christ (Phil 2:5, Eph 4:23). As our thinking changes, our actions also change, because out of the heart the mouth speaks (Matt 12:34). The holiness that will be universe-wide at the end of the Book, is being developed in us today (1 Pet 1:15-16"! This is what we know as the process of sancification, being made holy.

It is good to examine ourselves and see which areas of our life are still unclean, and need to be removed. Surrender these areas to God and he will clean us up (Psa 51:7). We all have issues that need sorting out - as the Spirit shines in our soul and highlights these areas, invite Jesus to clean them up. Ask Him to speak to you about what steps to take, and He will lead you down the way everlasting (Psa 139:23-24).

My prayer for each of our readers, is that the Lord would bless you mightily during this coming year, that the light of Jesus would shine brightly inside of you and make you holy, in word and in deed! All glory and honor be to His Name!