Monday, May 14, 2012

The Power of Blessing!

"When Israel saw the sons of Joseph, he asked, 'Who are these?'' 'They are the sons God has given me here,' Joseph said to his father. Then Israel said, "Bring them to me so I may bless them.'" - Genesis 48:8-9

This incident has a huge impact! As a result of Israel (Joseph's father previously known as Jacob) blessing Joseph's children, and later the rest of Joseph's brothers, blessings were given that were passed on to their descendents. Starting with this one seemigly insignificant event in Jacob's tent, something was set in motion that benefitted countless generations down through the centuries.

There is power in blessing. The words that we speak have impact. Our words either build up or tear down. James tells us about the power of the tongue. It either benefits someone or ourselves, or it curses them and destroys their future.

So we have the power to speak blessing into the lives of our children just as Jacob did with his grandkids. As a matter of fact, we have power to speak blessing into the lives of everyone we meet or touch. That person at work, the person we see hurting in the grocery department, our wife, husband, children and extended family. Our words can make them or break them!

What an awesome privilege and responsibility!

Have a day full of words of life!

Pastor Gerry

Friday, May 11, 2012

Church Planning Meeting

This Sunday we will be having a church planning meeting.  We will be discussing the items below and anything else that comes up!  Please be thinking about these things and be prepared to contribute!  We need your input! Thanks, pastor Gerry


Would you attend an evening service complete with sermon? (Sunday, Saturday, Friday)

Do you like having lay preachers occasionally?

Would you attend a Wednesday night Bible study at church?

Would you attend an adult Bible class on Sunday morning at 9am

Would you like periodic Saturday seminars? (open to public, church only, help teach)

Which subjects:
-- Getting a job,
-- being a valuable employee,
-- defeating depression,
-- marriage improvement,
-- dealing with divorce,
-- discover your gifts,
-- avoiding anxiety,
-- addiction recovery,
-- financial freedom.

Would you like to serve in some way at church? Yes/No

How would you like to serve? (circle)
-- teaching (adults, teenagers, children)
-- prayer (intercession while at home, prayer ministry team, prayer for service, deliverance ministry)
-- helping (cleaning church, setup for service, janitorial)
-- home Bible study (teach or host)
-- adult Bible class (teach series, teach occasionally)
-- preach occasional sermon
-- men's group (teach, prepare breakfast, organize including calling people)
-- fundraising for specific goals
-- Sunday coffee hour (prepare coffee, setup area)
-- greet people as they arrive
-- usher (usher people in, hand round offering basket, communion, count offering)
-- copy and fold weekly bulletins
-- building maintenance (see needs, organize repairs, plumbing, electrical, painting)
-- lead a support group (divorce, addiction, financial)
-- work with youth (serve dinner, contribute to dinner, assist youth leader, prayer, counseling, host or organize teen social activities)
-- work with children (teach, host or organize events, assist children's ministry leader)
-- women's ministry (teach Bible study, organize events)
-- community involvement (thrift store, prisons, boy scouts)
-- host visiting ministers etc
-- other:

What do you see as our church strengths?

What do you see as our weaknesses?

Have sermons addressed your needs? What would you like to see changed?

How can we better reach out to our community?

What other changes would you like to see?

Monday, May 7, 2012

Walking on Water ...

I want to tell you a little about my journey in seeking a deeper walk with the Lord. It may be helpful to someone. During the last 3 weeks I have been fasting a Daniel fast as circumstances have allowed it and I have been much more focussed on prayer. I am halfway through the time the Lord gave me to do this. During this period I have been made painfully aware of personal things the Lord wants to change in me. Yesterday in particular was a hard day, I was depressed about myself, I clearly saw my own unworthiness before God (Isa 6:5).

At lunchtime I visited Women Aglow (meets at Grace Fellowship the second Wednesday each month, at noon). The guest speaker spoke encouraging words, but that is not what made the difference. It was the Holy Spirit who brought healing to my soul. It was as though I had been taken from the pit and placed on a high hill. It was like Elijah on the run from Jezebel, depressed, wanting to give up. But God sent him an angel who gave him food for the journey, which kept him going. God knew exactly what I needed.

The rest of the day I was encouraged. But the lessons go on.

Yesterday evening my wife said some true words to me, which hit home. They related to living in faith. I had just spoken some words which were not based on faith, and I am sure you too are aware that the words we speak (which come out of our heart) change and affect our circumstances.

Earlier this morning the Lord reminded me about the record of Peter stepping out of the boat, and walking on the water with Jesus. There are a number of lessons we can draw from this example, the big one of course being that of faith. As I read the various accounts (Matt 14:25, Mark 6:48 and John 6:19) I was first of all struck by the fact that Mark and John, while telling the story about Jesus walking on the water, did not mention about Peter's part in the incident.

Why is this? Mark received much of his information about Jesus' ministry from Peter. It seems Peter did not want to seek glory for himself, and did not pass this information on to his listener. John and Peter were close, and probably shared this attribute (John generally does not refer to himself by name in his gospel), and John too does not draw attention to this event. But Matthew did, so that we could learn from Peter's courageous experience.

The lesson the Lord is teaching me today, is to "not look at the circumstances, or depend on the arm of flesh, but set your eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith, it is He who will bring it to pass. What he has given he will not take away, and what he has started he will complete. The task he is preparing you for, will come to pass though it tarry many days. The words he has spoken will not return to him void. So be encouraged, the Lord is at hand".

Have a day full of faith,

Pastor Gerry

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

National Day of Prayer

This Thursday tens of thousands of groups will be assembling together in order to pray for our nation!

This day originated with a call to prayer in 1775, when the Continental Congress asked the colonies to pray for wisdom in forming a nation, and has continued through our history, including President Lincoln’s proclamation of a day of “humiliation, fasting, and prayer” in 1863.  Both of these events were at a time of crisis in our nation, when wisdom and God's direction were crucial.

Today, the United States is once again at a time of need.  The economics of our country are precarious, the employment situation is abysmal, our elderly dependent on social security are wondering how this will be financed.  Our government needs wisdom in steering this country.

This Thursday Grace Fellowship will be meeting at 6.00 pm to pray for our country, our leaders, and for the city of Susanville and surrounding areas.  We will invite God to be at the head of our nation, and that He would steer the course we follow as a people.

Though we voted our leaders in, Romans 13 tells us that "there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God." Our country needs a support base of people who ask God to: direct our leaders, steer the nation's course, and ask God to heal our land. We commit to support our leaders by praying for them,

Anyone who wishes to join with us on Thursday at 6.00 pm, is welcome!