Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Moses Learns to Delegate

Moses Learns to Delegate
"Select capable men from all the people - men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain - and appoint them as offcials ..." Exodus 18:21

Moses was visted by his father-in-law, Jethro. He saw that Moses was overworked in dealing with the people, and told Moses that if he continued the way he was going, he would burn out. The signs of burn-out were already evident in Moses' response to the Israelites when they complained about not having water, in chapter 17. It seems God must have sent Jethro to Moses to help him get his life in order and learn to delegate.

Jethro told Moses to find capable people, with whom to share the load. These people were to be walking right with God - God looks on the heart, not the outward appearance of respectability. Moses was to train these people up to function as advisors to the people, and they would take a lot of the burden off Moses' shoulders. Part of the pastoral function is to train and build up the church (Eph 4:12). When pastors develop leadership in the church, everyone benefits.

These were to be capable men. When people operate in their natural and spiritual giftings, they are better able to perform their function in the body. In this way the whole body develops. This principle applies not only to counseling, but all areas of church life. My role is to grow the people around me. As people grow, they may be called by God into further areas of ministry.

In this way, the church grows, develops and moves forward!

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