Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A grandfather's blessing

A grandfather's blessing
Genesis 48 - Joseph brings his children to his father Jacob, and Jacob blesses them, as though they were his own.

Grandparents have a special role to play in family life. As parents, they have been role models for their children, and have set the direction in which their children's lives would largely go. A child brought up in a truly Christian environment will tend to go that direction as an adult (Prov 22:6). As parents, we have a responsibility to give our children the best possible start in life. Sometimes our examples have not been so good for our children. Our children will also tend to copy that example. This is not to say that the children have no personal responsibility, there are enough examples in the Bible of adults who had a bad start, but later changed their ways and turned to God. Ezekiel 18 outlines God's view of personal responsibility.

When the parent becomes a grandparent, however, there can be a redemptive quality in the relationship. A grandparent has a special relationship with the grandchildren. With the years there comes a deeper perspective on life, and a grandchild can be given a sense of continuity in the family, that the family existed before they were there, and that it will continue after they are gone. This gives a larger perspective on life and actions. Actions taken today can be looked at not only in the impact they have today, but also in their future effects.

As such, a grandparent is in a special position to bless the family. There is a spiritual responsibility to leave a legacy of blessing for the grandchildren. Jacob, in the above passage, prays a prayer of blessing over his grandchildren, and later in Genesis 49 he blesses his children. God hears our prayers and when we ask for Him to bless those in our care, it has an impact in the spiritual realm. By our prayers we can impact the direction our children and grandchildren's lives will take.

Lord, I pray that you would bless my children and grandchildren. I pray for physical and spiritual blessing for them, that you would keep them safe in economic turmoil, that you would bless their relationships, and that you would keep their eyes focussed on you. I pray that as our grandchildren grow up, you would lead them to a suitable spouse, and that this blessing would continue down the generations. In Jesus' name, amen.

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