Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Watch for God's Work Being Done

Watch for God's Work Being Done
"At the Lord's command they encamped, and at the Lord's command they set out. They obeyed the Lord's order, in accordance with his command through Moses." - Numbers 9:23

The Israelites had been on their journey through the desert, for a number of months now. During this time they had seen miracles performed by God, providing water, providing manna (bread from heaven), supplying quail for food. They had seen evidence of God's manifold blessings, even in a harsh desert environment, as well as of his displeasure when they overstepped their mark. God was dealing with his people, showing them boundaries as to how to maintain their relationship with him. When they arrived at Sinai, God tells them exactly how to build the Tabernacle. Then the cloud in which God dwelt, rested on the Tabernacle.

The presence of the cloud, told the people what to do. As long as God's presence was settled on the Tabernacle, they stayed in that place. They did not move, looking for a better place, they stayed where God wanted them to stay. When the cloud lifted, they would follow the cloud to the new place God had for them. The wanderings through the desert were not aimless, but in accordance with God's plan for them. From their own perspective, the movement from one campsite to the next would have appeared random, but from God's perspective there was intentionality in it.

I need to be aware of what God is doing, and where his blessing is present. This is where I should stay and live my life. Jesus did what he saw the Father doing. The Father in turn blessed Jesus' ministry as the Father and Jesus were in harmony in what they were doing. I do not want to do my own ministry, but I want to be working where the Lord is working. Then I can expect blessing and fruitfulness in that place.

"Lord, please guide me as I desire to serve you. I commit to seek where your hand is at work, and I pray that you would open doors so that I can be a part of what you are doing. In Jesus' name, amen."

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