Tuesday, December 20, 2011

May it be to me as you have said

May it be to me as you have said

“I am the Lord's servant, Mary answered, may it be to me as you have said." - Luke 1:38
The angel Gabriel visits Mary, betrothed or engaged to Joseph the carpenter. Suddenly she is hearing an incredible message, that she, a virgin, without a physical man being involved, is going to be pregnant with the Son of God!

I am sure she thought twice before telling Joseph about this message. To actually own this message could have huge implications on herself and her relationships with friends and family. What would it look like to others? Would Joseph disown her? Would she be stoned to death - the punishment for extra-marital sex? And what would it be like to be the mother of the Son of God? Would she have to be even more on her guard, to be obedient to God and live a holy life?

How would we have reacted? Would we be thinking of the implications, of the potential dangers or sacrifices? Or would we have immediately reacted as Mary did? "I am the Lord's servant. May it be to me as you have said".

God has a plan for each of us. He has something for us to do. At the right time, he will prepare us for this purpose, and get us ready for it. But there will be a moment of decision. Will I be obedient to God's purpose, in spite of the risks that may be involved? Or will I walk away, and never know what could have been if I had followed God's will for my life?

I pray that we will be so strong in our relationship with God, that we will trust him to take care of all the question marks, while we tell Him, "May it be to me as you have said".

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