Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Supernatural Life

The Supernatural Life
We believe that Jesus was and is the Son of God. We believe that God and Jesus are supernatural Beings. We believe that the Holy Spirit is a Person and is also God. Much as we fail to comprehend it, because it is the teaching of the Bible we believe that God is three separate Beings and yet is also One.
The truth is that God is way bigger than we are! We cannot put God in a box and say we understand Him. He defies human explanation. Job asks God, "What is man that You are mindful of him?"
God is the creator of the universe, the sustainer of all living things, the ruler of all that exists, the one who is love personified, the source of all wisdom, who defines truth by the words he speaks. God is spiritual with a body that never ages or dies. Yet he transcended nature by becoming a physical man, subject to hunger thirst and death! He did this so that we too may ultimately share in that supernatural existence.
As a supernatural Being, he is not limited by concepts such as space and time. In John 14 Jesus tells us that he and the Father and the Holy Spirit will make their home in us. He dwells in me, in you, and in every other Christian.

Why would it then be strange to expect that God would do supernatural things while dwelling in his children?

God desires that we live a supernatural life, allowing him to work through us, impacting the physical world around us.

He will not force himself upon us, that would be contrary to his nature. But if we open up and allow him to do his work, the possibilities are endless! All things are possible to him who believes!

So, let us open up to our Savior, and allow him to have the freedom to act in and through our lives!

1 comment:

IrishEyes said...

This is a test to see if comments are actually posting. Good writin Pastor!