Tuesday, April 10, 2012

To run, or to stand and fight?
Often when we are confronted by a difficult situation we run away from it. Perhaps because we are afraid of doing the wrong thing, perhaps we feel we will react inappropriately, or perhaps merely because we feel more comfortable when not faced with the issue!

The trouble is, the situation keeps coming back! Like the bully at school, each day we would be confronted afresh. Running away or avoiding him never worked, because he would be there again tomorrow. We knew we had to stand up to him, but of course that would take courage we did not feel.

God gives us the means to deal with these troublesome issues. Christians are involved in a running battle with the arch-bully of them all - Satan.

God's plan is not that we avoid the issues, but that we meet them head-on! Ephesians 6 outlines for us the spiritual armor God has provided, which we must put on. This armor is primarily defensive, to protect us and our identity. We are told to stand firm. But then the sword of the Spirit (the word of God) is given to us as an offensive weapon!

So our battle is not just a defensive one! We need to go on the offensive, and deal with these issues. And the primary tool God has given us, is the scriptures.

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