Monday, October 22, 2012

God knows! Acts 15:36-41

Acts 15:39-40 "And the contention was so sharp between them, that they departed asunder one from the other: and so Barnabas took Mark, and sailed unto Cyprus; And Paul chose Silas, and departed, being recommended by the brethren unto the grace of God."

God knows what was going on.  Paul had his reasons why Mark should not go with them on the second missionary journey, which eventually took Paul and his company into Greece.  Mark had let him down and perhaps Paul had taken this personally.  In any case, it caused Paul to not take Mark, but instead to take Silas with him.  Silas operated in the gift of prophecy, and it is noteworthy that during this journey we read a lot about the Holy Spirit's direction, including the famous Macedonian Call.  So it seems God used this seemingly negative event, to stretch and to grow Paul's experience of the prophetic gift. 

But God did not forget about Mark in this process.  Barnabas took Mark, his nephew, under his wing.  This took forgiveness, and Barnabas, the Son of Encouragement (a name given him by fellow church members) gave Mark a fresh opportunity for ministry.  Tradition says that Mark later became the personal assistant to Peter, the apostle to the Jews.  There he learned much about the events of Jesus' ministry, which Mark then wrote down in the Gospel according to Mark, which is considered to be the first of the four gospels to be written.

So God used this seemingly negative event, to develop and grow two people, and countless others through them. 

God knows the things we are going through, personally.  I am sure Paul felt badly about this conflict with Barnabas, may have wished he could do it over.  But in God's hands, all things work together for good for those called according to His purpose.  Turn the situation over to God, and allow Him to use it for His purposes.  He knows what He is doing. He promised never to leave or forsake us. 

"Lord, help me to be an instrument of Your grace, and I ask you to work out the situations of my life, for Your glory. Amen"

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