Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Engaging the Enemy!

Engaging the Enemy!

We are looking at Ephesians 6, which describes our spiritual armor. Why do we need spiritual armor? Because we are fighting a spiritual battle, and the battle is being fought in our minds. The enemy (we like to call him that rather than Satan which means "adversary") engages us whenever he has an opportunity.

A lot of the severe mental and emotional hangups we have are a result of the enemy's attacks. So how do we counter these?

Ephesians tells us that we have been given the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. This weapon is offensive, it is intended to attack the enemy. But we need to learn how to use this weapon, just as if it were a literal sword.

First of all identify the problem issue. Maybe it is anger, maybe it is anxiety or fear.

Now find out what the Bible says about this issue. Take a concordance and search the verses that mention this problem. An online concordance I find very helpful is www.studylight.org. Look up words that are related to your issue, for example if we suffer from anxiety, look up anxiety, fear, anxious, timid, timidity, etc.

Now read the wealth of verses that pop up, and select those that relate most specifically to you. What does God say about the matter? When you have done this, you are armed for battle.

Jesus had to confront the adversary, in Matthew 4. He did not reason with Satan, instead, he countered every challenge with a passage from scripture! And the enemy left him!

So now, when you feel fearful, anxious or timid, take the verses you have discovered, read them, memorize them, make them a part of you. And tell the condition that God tells truth, and he says ... Satan is a liar and he can't stand truth! Do this with conviction, not halfheartedly. And now command the enemy to leave you alone, in the name of Jesus. Believe that God has your back, and that he will help you. And the enemy will go!

He may come back and try to get at you again. But as you resist, he will tire of the battle and seek easier targets. James 4 tells us: resist the devil, and he will flee from you!

The life of a Christian includes battling against the enemy. But God intends for us to be victorious. So use the weapon he has given us, the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God!

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