Tuesday, April 10, 2012

"I'm hungry, do you have anything to eat?"

"I'm hungry, do you have anything to eat?"

Jesus sees the hungry crowd and he asks Philip, "Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?"
These people had come to Jersus to listen to his message. They had followed him all day, and were famished. Jesus was testing Philip, as John 6 tells us, Jesus already knew what he was going to do about the situation!

There are people all around us who are famished! They are hungry, not for physical food, (though some may be) but for the spiritual side of life! They seek it in all kinds of ways, they look for it in fortune cookies, astrology columns, euphoria from drugs and alcohol. They are just plain hungry!
Do we have food to give them? As Christians, we have Jesus living in us. Later in John 6, Jesus tells the crowd, that he is the Bread of Life! He is the one who provides spiritual sustenance, he is the one who gives us our daily bread!

If Jesus lives in us, we can share him with others! When someone is hungry for the meaning of life, share the good news with them, that there is One who can satisfy that hunger! Once they eat of that Bread, they need never go hungry again! "He who comes to me will never go hungry and he who believes in me will never be thirsty!" (verse 35).

Use today to cast your bread upon the waters (Ecc 11:1), allow others to share in the banquet Jesus has prepared for us!

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