Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Resurrection Day plus One!

We have just celebrated Resurrection Day!  Jesus who had been cruelly executed like a common criminal, was raised from the dead by the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit!

This was incredible!  What a momentous day!  And it culminated in the resurrected Jesus appearing to the disciples!  Can you imagine, Jesus, the Son of God, resurrected from the dead, appearing in the room with you!

And now it is the day after.  Monday morning.  The events of yesterday seem so incredible, they fade away like a morning mist.  Yesterday Jesus had said, "As the Father has sent me, I am sending you."  But now this command seems so remote, so beyond our capabilities that we put that thought on the shelf for the time being.  No thought of moving into this brilliant new future.  Just a returning to the hum drum life of last week.

Today is Monday.  Yesterday we celebrated the risen Jesus!  In church we listened to testimonies of how Jesus impacted our lives, showing that Jesus is as alive today as he was when he told the disciples to continue in his footsteps.

What has changed in our life, this Monday, that makes it different from a week ago?  Have we a fresh vision for the future?  Encouragement to take the first steps in a journey toward God's purpose?  Have we been filled with a holy fire to reach this town with the truth about our risen King?

Today is Resurrection Day plus one.  Will we remember Jesus' words - "As the Father has sent me, I am sending you."  What has Jesus sent us to do?  Will we be obedient?

Will we answer Jesus' call?

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